Health Screenings

Providing screenings to those in need.

Prevention comes with knowledge. Knowing the indicators that will keep you healthy and strong throughout your life is the purpose of medical screenings. Routine screenings can range from blood pressure to colon health screenings. We prioritize providing regular screenings as part of primary care and our commitment to a “Remarkable You.”  

Here are ways we provide screenings when you have no primary care physician or medical home:   

  • Mobile mammography: Our mobile mammography services are available on a 38-foot motorized coach that travels to you. Our goal is to ensure women have access to high-quality breast health services, regardless of ability to travel to a full-service imaging center.
  • Community Cruisers: Our mission to provide remarkable healthcare extends outside the walls of Novant Health hospitals. Novant Health’s Community Care Cruisers, 40-foot mobile clinics, offer a wide variety of free health services to reach residents who may not have regular access to care. These services include routine screening and vaccines, nutrition education and counseling, physical assessments and connections to social resources as well as primary and specialty care. Translation services are available on the cruisers to ensure that language is not a barrier to care.